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Panel 3: A Value-Based Approach to Drug Pricing (Unpacking Drug Value) | Kaiser Permanente
Panel 2: Paying for Value (Unpacking Drug Value) | Kaiser Permanente
16 Value Based Drug Payment and Utilization Gabriela Lavezzari
Panel 1: Defining & Assessing Drug Value (Unpacking Drug Value) | Kaiser Permanente
Views from Industry (Unpacking Drug Value) | Kaiser Permanente
Scaling Value: New challenges and approaches to drug pricing
Value-Based Cancer Care: The Threat of Soaring Drug Costs
Solutions Panel (Addressing High Drug Pricing Forum) | Kaiser Permanente
The Patient Experience and Value Based Drug Pricing / The Future of Prescription Drugs
Innovation Matters: The Unintended Consequences of Drug Pricing Regulation
If the Drug Doesn't Work, You Don't Pay: The Reality of Outcomes-Based Contracting
Friday, April 15, 2016: Value-Based Pricing for Prescription Drugs: Opportunities and Challenges